Arts & Life Washington skate: history on 8 wheels Washington state has a long history with roller skating. In fact, before we were even actually a state, we were building rinks. And it goes beyond just a need to go fast and run into people. Mike Davis Sarah Leibovitz Play AudioListen 26 mins
Arts & Life Volunteers keep skiing affordable at Badger Mountain If you enjoy skiing, you probably know it takes more than just some skis, boots and poles to slide down a hill. It also takes money. Tickets at Washington’s big ski resorts run from $65 to $150 a day. That’s not the case at Badger Mountain Ski Area in Central Washington. There, the price is a mere $10 a day. That’s because the hill is a nonprofit, entirely run by volunteers. Mike Davis Alex Rochester Play AudioListen 9 mins
Arts & Life Make Believe Seattle: a new destination for genre fans KUOW Arts and Culture reporter Mike Davis sits down with Festival Director Billy Ray Brewton to talk about inclusivity and genre as "Make Believe Seattle" debuts this weekend. Mike Davis Jason Burrows Play AudioListen 23 mins
Arts & Life 'Nature is speaking': How the Palouse inspired a unique soundscape composition Yii Kah Hoe, a Malaysian composer, soundscape artist, and current Fulbright Scholar in Residence at Washington State University incorporated the sounds of the Palouse into his latest composition, "Of this Land." Mike Davis Hans Anderson Play AudioListen 10 mins
Arts & Life The hunt is on for 'Monkeyshines' in Tacoma Every lunar new year, a group of volunteer artists sneak through Tacoma in the dead of night. They hide thousands of colorful glass “floats” – 5- to 10-inch orbs, with an insignia stamped on the top. If you’ve been in Tacoma sometime over the past month and seen people shaking bushes, climbing trees, or turning up rocks, you’ve likely seen a collector of what are locally called “Monkeyshines.” Alex Rochester Alec Cowan Play AudioListen 11 mins
Arts & Life Giving neglected horses a SAFE home In Redmond, an 11-acre facility called Save a Forgotten Equine, or SAFE, helps horses suffering from neglect and abuse recover in a setting that slowly rebuilds their trust and sense of safety. Libby Denkmann Jason Burrows Play AudioListen 17 mins
Arts & Life 'Thousands of stiches, all by hand': a look at Puget Sound's artisan sailmakers Old-style ships are still around, and they need regular maintenance on their large, billowing sails. But there aren’t many businesses that make these kinds of sails anymore. One of the last places in the world that does is right here in the Puget Sound region. Alec Cowan Libby Denkmann Play AudioListen 15 mins
Arts & Life 'A Mother's Love': It's The Thought That Counts You've probably heard the phrase, "It's the thought that counts." The time for tree-trimming and scrambling to find the perfect gift has come and gone, but the sentiment remains. Angela King Katie Campbell Play AudioListen 5 mins
Environment Mapping the spaghetti highways of the West Matthew Kauffman, who works for the U.S. Geological Survey, has been working along with many tribal and state officials over the last several years to create new maps that chart wildlife. They want to see where the deer, elk, and pronghorn highways are that run throughout America’s Western states. Anna King
Arts & Life 'Holiday Entrapment': It's The Thought That Counts You've probably heard the phrase, "It's the thought that counts." That's the theme of a holiday series we're bringing you this month from the KUOW staff. Caroline Chamberlain Gomez Katie Campbell Play AudioListen 5 mins