A father's love letter in the wake of cancer In his new memoir, “Falling: A Daughter, A Father, and a Journey Back," author Elisha Cooper recalls how he and his family faced and survived his... John O'Brien
Where to send foster kids? For 72 hours, Skookum House There was a kid they called Peanut at the Child Protective Services office in Bellingham. “He spent a lot of time with social workers, just going around... Sarah Eden Wallace
'Society is psychologically abusing children' by restricting their freedom, researcher says Parents: Would you let your 5-year-old wander around as he liked? What about at 10 years? 12? That was Dr. Peter Gray’s experience growing up in the... John O'Brien Kara McDermott
Birth tourism on the rise in British Columbia Bill Radke speaks with Vancouver Sun columnist Vaughn Palmer about a rise in birth tourism in Canada. Anyone born in Canada is automatically a citizen.... Kate OConnell Bill Radke
Caught red handed: new label for pot products Mr. Yuk may have a new sibling in Washington: a bright red hand. Washington's Poison Center has unveiled the new warning label to identify products that... Paige Browning
Local tech zooms forward with Pokemon Go and Amazon Dash Bill Radke speaks with Geekwire's Todd Bishop about Nintendo's surprise success in Pokemon Go and Amazon Dash's foray into toys. Bill Radke Posey Gruener
Why is miscarriage so hard to talk about? Miscarriage: you probably know what the word means, and given that one in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage, you likely know someone who’s gone... Caroline Chamberlain Bill Radke
Why do so many concussions in kids go undiagnosed? Kim Malcolm talks with Dr. Leah Concannon about how concussions affect kids differently than adults and why so many concussions in kids go undiagnosed... Kim Malcolm Andy Hurst
On the streets. With a newborn. And trying to graduate high school At Interagency Academy in South Seattle, Principal Kaaren Andrews recruits students who've dropped out of school or are at risk of not graduating. She... Ann Dornfeld
These Syrian refugees feel at home in Seattle but worry for those left behind A few months back, we introduced you to the Alhamdan family. They’re Syrian refugees. And among the first to arrive in Seattle since war broke out in... Liz Jones