Republicans say they were misled on ST3, Democrats call foul Republicans in the Washington State Senate say Sound Transit misled them two years ago, and that they have a report to prove it. Democrats are crying... Anna Boiko-Weyrauch Play AudioListen 2 mins
State Republican party a 'patchwork quilt of opinions,' but 'very united' Bill Radke talks Susan Hutchison, the chairman of the Washington State Republican Party, about how national issues play locally with the Republican base. Amina Al-Sadi Bill Radke Play AudioListen 19 mins
Secret meeting targets Republican Rep. Dave Reichert Democrats are drooling over a Washington state congressional seat that’s always been in Republican hands. Republican political consultant Chris Vance... David Hyde Play AudioListen 4 mins
'Our party screwed up': Washington Democrats, Republicans meet to pick leaders Democrats and Republicans in Washington state will vote on their parties’ leadership this weekend. And the differences are stark. Amy Radil David Hyde Play AudioListen 3 mins
This election map is a lie. So we made new ones Maps lie because they simplify. They lie in different ways, to show certain realities, and electoral maps are no different. In places where there are... Abe Epton
Democrats take $50K gift from warrior spirit ‘Ramtha’ – despite anti-Mexican slurs Donald Trump has been widely criticized for making offensive statements about Mexicans, but he is not the only politically active figure who has made... John Ryan Play AudioListen 3 mins
Washington GOP delegate joins anti-Trump coup Donald J. Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee. "We will have so much winning if I get elected, that you will get bored with winning... believe... David Hyde Play AudioListen 2 mins
WA Republican: 'My party may not always be right' Oh, boy. Some Washington state Republicans are not digging the Donald. Like Chris Vance, a Republican running for U.S. Senate. “At some point, you have... Amy Radil Play AudioListen 4 mins