This week we're not paddling away from the tough news

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray makes it official: He won't run as a write-in for a second term, and wants you to vote for former U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkan instead.
Two studies of Seattle's $15 minimum wage experiment find mixed results and spark a political back-and-forth over who to believe.
And an Orcas Island man completes a 750-mile journey from Washington state to Alaska ... on a stand-up paddleboard.
Listen to the live show Fridays at noon and join the conversation on Twitter using #KUOWwir. Audio from the show is posted later in the afternoon.
Get caught up on the news:
- Seattle Times: Murray won't be write-in candidate, endorses former U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkan
- Marketplace: A new study out of Seattle shows the downside of minimum wage increases
- New York Times: Projected drop in Medicare spending heightens hurdle for G.O.P. health bill
Our panel this week:
Bill Radke @kuowradke, host
Joni Balter @jbalter, host of Seattle Channel's Civic Cocktail
Eli Sanders @elijsanders, associate editor at The Stranger
Rob McKenna @robmckenna, former Washington State Attorney General