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Can buildings learn?

Seattle is littered with buildings that seem obsolete in our post-pandemic economy. Now an unprecedented number of them are going up for sale and selling at deep discounts. Some of those new owners will renovate to retain the history or character of a building. Others will tear them down and start again. In a Booming city like Seattle, we need to use every square foot of space. So how do we build for the future without demolishing our past?

To find out, Joshua revisits a lost neighborhood karaoke bar and a renovated Elk’s Temple in Tacoma. And he learns that renovation and rebuilding aren’t our only options.

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Booming is a production of KUOW in Seattle, a proud member of the NPR Network. Our editor is Carol Smith. Our producers are Lucy Soucek and Whitney Henry-Lester. Our hosts are Joshua McNichols and Monica Nickelsburg.

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