Get to know the PNW and each other. Soundside airs Monday through Thursday at 12 p.m. and 8 p.m. on KUOW starting January 10. Listen to Soundside on Spotify, iTunes, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Additional Credits: Logo art is designed by Teo Popescu. Audio promotions are produced by Hans Twite. Community engagement led by Zaki Hamid. Our Director of New Content and Innovation is Brendan Sweeney.
Mission Statement:
Soundside believes establishing trust with our listeners involves taking the time to listen.
We know that building trust with a community takes work. It involves broadening conversations, making sure our show amplifies systemically excluded voices, and challenging narratives that normalize systemic racism.
We want Soundside to be a place where you can be part of the dialogue, learn something new about your own backyard, and meet your neighbors from the Peninsula to the Palouse.
Together, we’ll tell stories that connect us to our community — locally, nationally and globally. We’ll get to know the Pacific Northwest and each other.
What do you think Soundside should be covering? Where do you want to see us go next?
Leave us a voicemail! You might hear your call on-air: 206-221-3213
Share your thoughts directly with the team at soundside@kuow.org.
Join the Soundside Listener Network
A new podcast explores daily life at Washington State Penitentiary
Every Monday, Demar, Red, Cambo, Anthony and Vik give listeners a glimpse of life inside the Washington State Penitentiary in Walla Walla on their podcast Concrete Mama. They all share their perspectives and explore the complexities of prison relationships, re-entry, and day to day life for people at the penitentiary.
Monisha Harrell alleges a toxic work environment under uncle, Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell
Monisha Harrell was the first Black lesbian senior deputy mayor in the City of Seattle’s history, and she also says that her tenure with the city was marred by bullying and sexism. Ashley Hiruko, KUOW's investigative reporter, broke the story.
Why a program to send UW doctors to rural areas is being threatened in Idaho
WWAMI is an acronym for Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana and Idaho… and it refers to a program created by the University of Washington that allows dozens of medical students from those states to study at the UW School of Medicine.
Federal forestry changes leave state officials in the lurch
The state’s Department of Natural Resources says it’s coming up with backup plans to address the growing threat of serious wildfires in Washington. This, as it's typically close working relationship with federal forest managers has frayed under the Trump Administration.
Congresswoman Emily Randall on the Democratic backlash to Senator Chuck Schumer
Washington D.C. averted a government shutdown—but this is not without controversy. Congresswoman Emily Randall gives us an inside look at what’s happening within the halls of the House of Representatives.
Soundside's "Weekend Warmup" - 3/13-16
Soundside Producer Jason Megatron Burrows might not be going to SIFF & Stitch, but he does have all the details about what YOU could be doing this weekend.
Bill Gates rethinks climate strategies in the new Trump era
Breakthrough Energy, a collection of organizations founded by Bill Gates in 2015, announced a slew of staffing cuts this week.
How the One Seattle Comprehensive Plan could affect people with disabilities
The One Seattle Comprehensive Plan is working its way through city council. It dictates how the city will grow over the next twenty years, including where density is allowed.
Huckleberries are culturally important food. Tribes say it isn't treated like one
Native people have been picking huckleberries for generations and huckleberry harvests in the mountains are one of the major food gathering events for Tribes. But many say a combination of federal forest management practices and commercial picking operations infringe on their treaty rights.
$100 million police hiring bill moves on to the state Senate
The state House on Tuesday approved $100 million in funding aimed at helping local police departments hire more officers.
How Rainier Beer went from an old fashioned brew to an advertising icon
For decades, Rainier Beer commercials captivated audiences through its Northwest spirit and eclectic style, and it owes its success to this small local advertising firm.
Pramila Jayapal on federal spending, a potential trade war, and more
Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal shares her view from the House of Representatives with Soundside.