Government Who are the warriors? In 1980 the Census Bureau reported that 18 percent of Americans served in the armed forces. By 2016 that number dropped to 7 percent. What do veterans want civilians to know? Ross Reynolds
Arts & Life 'Fake news' on your mind? Ask a journalist Is there more that journalists need to do to re-establish public trust? John O'Brien Sonya Harris Play AudioListen 6 mins
Seattle’s adrenaline junkies prepare to compete in Special Olympics Here’s the thing to know about Special Olympics athletes: They’re adrenaline junkies. And for some, the Games is the perfect outlet for that. Kara McDermott John O'Brien Play AudioListen 5 mins
Would you foster a child? One parent: ‘It’s the best thing I’ve ever done’ Lisa Blackmore says the question she is asked most as a foster parent is: Don't you get too attached? “And the answer is yes. We absolutely love this... John O'Brien Play AudioListen 4 mins
Ask A Muslim brings together new friends and neighbors KUOW’s Ask A® series is three years old now. The conversations we host bridge cultural, political and philosophical divides. Lisa Wang John O'Brien Play AudioListen 5 mins
Here's what happens when you talk to the other side about guns The gun control debate has become a polarizing experience for many Americans. It’s unusual to hear civil discussions between the opposing sides. NPR Staff Play AudioListen 5 mins
‘Why are you entitled to be safe?’ the gun owner asked this teen A couple of weeks ago, a fire alarm went off at Beatrice Cappio’s high school. “Everyone stopped to wonder, well, is there a shooter in the hall? Should we really leave?” John O'Brien Play AudioListen 5 mins
Ask a Seattle newcomer, beat ‘the freeze’ Seattle is one of the fastest growing cities in the United States. Why are people moving here? What do they think of our fair city. This Ask A® event provided answers. Sonya Harris and Ahlaam Ibraahim Play AudioListen 5 mins
Ask a Trump voter: Six voters explain themselves As Donald Trump's first 100 days as president came to an end in April, KUOW gathered Trump supporters and opponents together. John O'Brien NPR Staff Play AudioListen 5 mins
Ask a Muslim, go further than the political discourse What if you lived in a place where people often looked at you with suspicion? How would you get past that — the stares, the mistrust, or worse? KUOW's series of person to person conversations, Ask A®, got Muslims together with people curious about them. John O'Brien Ahlaam Ibraahim Play AudioListen 5 mins