Earthquake! Quick, shelter: school or Space Needle?
Which do you think is more safe?
We've got two earthquake related questions for you on this week's episode of SoundQs.
First, a big earthquake could hit Seattle in the next 50 years. That got KUOW listener Derek Hanson wondering: What would happen to our most prominent landmark?
“The Space Needle seems really tall and tippy, and as a layperson looking at it, it seems like maybe it would fall over if there was an earthquake,” Hanson asked. “What would really happen in that case?”
And then, listener Shyam Vijayaraghavan wants to know if Washington state schools are ready for a big earthquake. Spoiler: The news is not good.
Listen to the episode by clicking the play button above or on your favorite podcast app. SoundQs is a weekly podcast where our KUOW reporters tackle questions submitted by our listeners.
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