What your boba order says about you

Ok, most opinions about boba tea or bubble tea orders are subjective. But one thing we can all agree on is that the drink is one of many things defining college food culture in Seattle. We hear from a UW Daily columnist about her college campus foodscapes. Then, an explanation of the drought crisis so far impacting Oregon and California. Also, is pandemic inflation a good thing? And, Lynda Mapes tell us all about her documentation of Puget Sound's orca pod, and why things seem a lot better.
Individual segments are available in our podcast stream or at www.kuow.org/record.
A deep dive into college food culture
What are the foods that mark the college experience? Beyond the melted cheese, or IG-ready desserts are the small comforts made in comfort of the dorm, or quick purchases during late night studying, or the satisfying cravings right after a party. Bill Radke spoke with Taylor Zachary, a UW Daily columnist, about her series 'Foodscapes near me' the origins and evolution of dishes particular to college cuisine.
Is inflation right now a good thing?
During the pandemic prices fell, but in Western Washington home prices are booming, gas has gotten more expensive, and so have some groceries. Are we experiencing inflation? Bill Radke spoke with William Mcguire an economics professor with the University of Washington about how to understand the rise and fall of price tags since the pandemic's beginning.
A New Water War in the West
A drought crisis in the west is worsening conditions for tribes, farmers, and municipalities. So far, the loss is stretching across California and Oregon. According to the U.S. drought monitor about 71% of the West is now in at least "severe drought," compared to about 15% at this time last year. Bill Radke spoke with Mike Baker the Seattle bureau chief for the New York Times about his report on this issue.
Big picture' goals for Orcas and Chinook Salmon
An orca whale carrying her dead calf through Puget Sound for 17 days. A mother's grief on display, three years ago affected people around the world and led to global awareness of the struggling orcas and the disappearing salmon they rely on. As few as 75 orcas whales remain. Bill Radke spoke with Lynda Mapes, the Seattle Times environment reporter about her new book is called Orca: Shared Waters, Shared Home.