What happened to J Pod's baby orca? Take KUOW's news quiz

Collage featuring J60, the orca. Photo courtesy of Maya Sears, under NMFS Permit 27052.
Welcome to the KUOW news quiz!
Test your news knowledge with stories from this week. We've included links below if you want to learn more — or if you want to find the answers in our articles. We don't judge here.
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Want to read more about these stories?
- The Center for Whale Research says the baby orca known as J60 is _____.
- Seattle police commanders have recommended what punishment for an officer caught on video laughing about the death of a pedestrian struck and killed by a fellow police officer last year?
- Two Seattle school board members, Vivian Song and Lisa Rivera, resigned this week. Why?
- During a call with investors this week, Boeing CEO David Calhoun said Boeing _____ a recent in-flight airplane malfunction.
- Washington drivers could soon see which beloved character on new specialty license plates?