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Wednesday, October 24th: When should the police shoot to kill?

caption: Seattle Police at the 2012 May Day demonstrations.
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Seattle Police at the 2012 May Day demonstrations.

When an officer kills someone, how do we know whether they acted illegally? What should the standard be, and how do we train officers to avoid it? Also: becoming a parent can be incredibly isolating. How can we combat the loneliness?

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Ballot Initiative: I-940, Police use of force

We’ve been tackling both sides of the ballot initiatives in the upcoming election. I-940 is about the training and standard of proof we require around police use of deadly force. It’s a little more complicated than the other initiatives; KUOW’s Amy Radil explains why. In support of I-940 is Monishal Harrell, the chair of Equal Rights Washington. Teresa Taylor, Executive Director of the Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs, argued against.

Parenting and Loneliness

In between Brexit negotiations, British Prime Minister Theresa May found time to launch a Ministry of Loneliness. This Orwellian division will investigate the scourge of loneliness currently plaguing Brits – from which we’re not immune on this side of the pond, particularly as parents. Bill spoke with Jessica Lawmaster, who heads the Program for Early Parent Support in King and Snohomish Counties, and Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson, Chief of Digital Innovation at Seattle Children’s Hospital.

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