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Gig workers, small business owners may be able to file for unemployment starting on Saturday night

caption: A person photographs a painted mural on the facade of Percy's & Co. on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, in Seattle.
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A person photographs a painted mural on the facade of Percy's & Co. on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, in Seattle.
KUOW Photo/Megan Farmer

This weekend marks a turning point for hundreds of thousands of people. They are workers who have lost work because of the coronavirus pandemic, but who have not qualified for state unemployment assistance.

Their luck may change with federal expansion of the state’s unemployment system.

Starting around 8 p.m. on Saturday, state online systems will start qualifying people for federal funds. Many of them will be gig workers or people with small businesses shut down by coronavirus or others who have been working, but do not meet the state's definition of unemployed.

There’s no need to change your evening plans for the big moment. In fact, the state would prefer to avoid a stampede to keep the online system moving smoothly. And applicants will not lose money if they delay.

“They will be retroactively paid to the date they are eligible,” said Suzi LeVine, Employment Security commissioner.

Expect the online system to be clunky.

If you haven’t applied before, you can set up an account before the website is taken down on Saturday for the big upgrade. Take some time to prepare, and make sure you can provide the documents needed.

Then after the Saturday night opening of the state system, people who are new to, will have to apply or be rejected for state help before they can apply for federal cash.

Those who have already applied for state help and have been rejected, should be able to sign in and find a link to send them straight to the federal application.

In a sign of both extraordinary times and extraordinary measures, state officials say they will expedite minimum payments -- and verify income and adjust later. Checks are supposed to land in 7 to 10 days.

In addition to the individual’s base benefit, people will also pick up the same $600 a week boost from the federal government that people who have previously qualified for state unemployment have been getting. That too will be retroactive – to when those payments got started.

One piece of advice from LeVine: Try not to call with questions. It’s very hard to get through on the phone. There are people who are having genuine trouble online and do need to speak to someone. LeVine told KUOW that most of the questions people have are answered on the ESD website.

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