"I feel like a foster parent." Outgoing chief Sue Rahr on hiring, leadership, and sexism at SPD
Sue Rahr’s tenure as Seattle’s Chief of Police is coming to an end.
The interim chief took over the office during a rocky moment for SPD: she inherited a police officer staffing crisis and a workplace where senior staff had filed legal complaints over their treatment, alleging discrimination and sexism on the job .
Rahr’s appointment to the position happened the same week, last June, as a deadly school shooting at Garfield High, setting off a series of discussions about public safety at schools, and in the Central District.
And she was also in the awkward position of taking over the department from a chief who was initially demoted, and then fired for not being truthful about his alleged affair with a subordinate.
It’s been an eventful almost 8 months.
Chief Rahr sat down with Soundside host Libby Denkmann to discuss what’s changed during her time in leadership, and what still needs to happen at SPD.
- Outgoing Seattle Police Chief Sue Rahr
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