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Outdoor event mask mandate ends soon. Indoor may be next

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As the omicron wave subsides, Washington Governor Jay Inslee is signaling that mask mandates may soon be over. The statewide requirement for masks at large outdoor events will lift by the end of next week. For indoor masking, Inslee says it's not a matter of if but when those mandates will end.

KUOW’s Kim Malcolm and Kate Walters reviewed where we are and what to expect in the near future.

This interview has been edited for clarity.

Kim Malcolm: What do we know about Governor Inslee’s timeframe?

Kate Walters: At this point, not a whole lot. He's saying he expects to announce a timeline next week. What we do know is people still have to wear masks and that's not going to change tomorrow. That's not even going to change next week, but Inslee indicated it's going to be a matter of weeks and not months when that will happen.

What indicators is Inslee looking at as he makes his decision?

He's looking at the same things that have guided decision-making throughout the pandemic, things like cases and hospitalizations. When you look at the Covid numbers in Washington, they're still really high, higher than they've been at any other point in the pandemic, but they are falling, so it looks like trends are going in the right direction.

We also heard the State Superintendent of Schools Chris Reykdal say that it's time to drop this statewide requirement for masks in schools and allow local districts to make that call. What are you hearing from parents about dropping that statewide mandate?

This is one of those things where it really depends on who you talk to. People in different parts of the state feel differently about this. Individual families feel different depending on their situation. Some parents are saying, this is a really bad idea. We need to wait until younger kids are vaccinated, for instance. And some parents are saying, I wish this had been done last week.

How about educators? What are they saying?

The Washington Education Association says any change in masking has to come after a significant decline in Covid rates statewide. They're saying at a time when many schools are experiencing staffing shortages, they anticipate that lifting a mask mandate could exacerbate that and interrupt learning. A statement from Seattle Public Schools says they're going to follow the lead of the local public health officials.

What other reactions have you seen to the idea of lifting the mask mandates?

Even before the governor's announcement, we heard some doctors saying they personally feel it's too soon for this conversation. They're just getting their head above water with this recent surge. We know that Covid is unpredictable. We really don't know what we'll be facing next with it.

On the other hand, you have Republican lawmakers who are asking Inslee not only to end mask mandates but also to end the rules requiring proof of vaccination for certain settings. There's really a range of opinions on this topic.

If the statewide indoor mask mandate is lifted, is that the end of it?

Not necessarily. If the statewide mandate is lifted, local jurisdictions can still put their own rules in place if they think it's necessary. We'd have to wait and see what King County wants to do. Businesses can be more conservative than the jurisdiction they're in if they feel masks are necessary in their business. Also, you've got to look at other rules that are in place, like the federal rule for masking on public transit. All of those things factor into what your masking habits are going to look like in the future.

Public Health Seattle & King County says if cases and hospitalizations keep going down, they'll reassess the need for current restrictions. Of course, as with everything with Covid, the response could change even if mask mandates are lifted in the next few weeks. If things get bad again, if cases go back up, there is a possibility that mandates could come back. It’s a continuing conversation.

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