Is it dangerous to keep national parks open during the shutdown?
The nation's parks are open for business, but largely unstaffed. Congestion pricing might make it harder to get into Seattle, and you might be able to relieve your own congestion with bionic plants in the home. Plus, the story of how Sub Pop put Seattle on the map.
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Parks: open or closed?
If you've traveled thousands of miles after months of planning to visit a national park, ideally it'd be open when you got there. But during the government shutdown, that could be dangerous for visitor safety as well as for the park itself. To figure out what we owe to our nation's wildest places, we spoke to Jon Jarvis, former director of the National Park Service, and David Lamfrom, Director of California Desert and National Wildlife Programs at the National Parks Conservation Association.
Congestion pricing
Should driving be solely for the rich? Some think that would be the outcome of congestion pricing in Seattle; State Senator Tim Sheldon has pre-filed a bill that would prevent the policy. Seattle Times transit reporter David Gutman discusses what a congestion program might look like if it did go into effect.
Bionic houseplants
How do you feel about GMOs? What about if they were a saving grace to your health? University of Washington professor Stuart Strand teaches in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He's working on a plant that could filter out chloroform and other toxins in the home.
Sub Pop history
Music writer Gillian Gaar has been writing about Sub Pop since it landed on the Seattle music scene. She spoke with Marcie Sillman about how the record label made its mark.