How is climate change affecting cities’ credit scores?

When your credit drops as sea levels rise. Governor Inslee on current presidential goings-on. And a historian offering Native stories the opposite of tragedy: complexity.
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Municipal climate scores
You’re probably aware that having too much credit card debt could damage your credit score. What about building your city too close to the water? Moody’s has started giving local governments credit ratings based on their financial exposure to climate change. Rowan Schmidt is program director at the Tacoma nonprofit Earth Economics.
Jay Inslee on impeachment, I-976, and more
Current Washington politician and former presidential hopeful Governor Jay Inslee had a lot to say about impeachment. He spoke with Bill Radke about everything from congressional hearings to car tabs.
David Treuer, The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee
The book Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ends in 1890, when according to the author “the culture and civilization of the American Indian was destroyed.” Not so fast, says Ojibwe author David Treuer. His new book, The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee, BEGINS in 1890. Rather than being a chronicle of Native tragedy, he says, it’s a story of Native life.