Health Glasses aren't just good for your eyes. They can be a boon to income, too That's the finding of a new study in Bangladesh, which gave reading glasses to hundreds of people and then measured their earnings. Gabrielle Emanuel
Science Mercy me: Photos show what humans have done to the planet in the Anthropocene age Anthropocene refers to the age of humans — the things we've done to Earth. Geologists just rejected a proposal to declare an official "Anthropocene epoch." But everyone agrees: Damage has been done. Jonathan Lambert Rebecca Ellis
National Baltimore bridge worker Maynor Suazo Sandoval killed during collapse Maynor Suazo Sandoval left Honduras when he was 20 and built a new life in the U.S. He is one of the missing workers from the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge. Sergio Martinez-Beltran
Latin America In rural parts of Haiti, living in a dysfunctional state has long been the reality. Haiti is on the verge of collapse — with little to no government — but many have already learned to live without the support of the state. Eyder Peralta