Women in Seattle make 78 cents for every dollar earned by men, says report

If you're a Seattle woman with an advanced degree, another man in the city with the same level of education may earn quite a bit more than you.
In a comparison of median incomes, women in Seattle make 78 cents for every dollar earned by men, according to a report by the Seattle-based data analysis company LiveStories. There is less difference between men and women with high school diplomas — and a wider gap for men and women with advanced degrees.
Seattle women, advanced degrees: 68 cents on the dollar that men made.
Seattle women, bachelor's degrees: 72 cents on the dollar.
Seattle women, high school degrees: 84 cents on the dollar.Researchers attribute the education related gap to gender inequity in the city's tech sector.
“This pattern points to a continuing struggle to deal with gender equality in the beating heart of Seattle’s economy – the tech industry,” LiveStories researchers said.
Wage gap by city (filter by education level):
“Tech is a huge part of Seattle’s economy, and as such, this data shows how much further this industry has to go toward equitable hiring practices … This data should be a wake-up call for every industry in Seattle to make sure women with advanced degrees are not being underpaid.”
According to LiveStories, the gap for people with graduate degrees has worsened since 2010, “even as Seattle women with less advanced education are trending toward equality with male workers.”
Correction 8/8/2017: A previous version of the story incorrectly stated the wages being compared in the LiveStories report. They were the median wages for men and women.