What Does Colorism Look Like In Seattle?
Credit: Courtesy of Esa Tilija
"When you're born, they call you a lighty, and it's praised," said Ahlaam Ibraahim, one of the hosts on this month's RadioActive podcast. She along with Esa Tilija explore the world of colorism. They interview fellow Seattleites to find out what they know about it and share stories from their own communities.
Plus, hear Kamna Shastri's story about her perspective on colorism as an Indian-American with albinism. "Just seeing people like Nina Davuluri or Mindy Kaling reminds me of everything I want and can't attain," she said.
RadioActive Youth Media is KUOW's program for youth age 16 to 20ish. Listen to RadioActive stories, subscribe to the RadioActive podcast and stay in touch on Facebook and Twitter.