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Week In The News: Divisions Deepen Over Presidential Transition

caption: President-elect Joe Biden leaves the Queen Theater where earlier in the day he addressed the media about the Trump Administration’s lawsuit to overturn the Affordable Care Act  on November 10, 2020 in Wilmington, Delaware.  (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
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President-elect Joe Biden leaves the Queen Theater where earlier in the day he addressed the media about the Trump Administration’s lawsuit to overturn the Affordable Care Act on November 10, 2020 in Wilmington, Delaware. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Much of the GOP in Washington won’t acknowledge Joe Biden as president-elect. What about the consequences for the country? We look at a week of presidential transition and Republican intransigence.


Tim Alberta, chief political correspondent for POLITICO. Author of “American Carnage.” (@TimAlberta)

Timothy Naftali, clinical associate professor of history and public service at New York University. Presidential historian for CNN. Co-author of “Impeachment: An American History.” (@TimNaftali)

Jack Beatty, On Point news analyst. (@JackBeattyNPR)

From The Reading List

Washington Post: “Chaotic presidential transition brings vulnerability, security risks to nation” — “In the week since Election Day, Trump has refused to concede and has publicized spurious claims of fraud to overshadow the result. He also has declined to give President-elect Joe Biden resources and daily presidential intelligence briefings to aid the transition to the new administration. The Pentagon turmoil could further jeopardize the prospect of a seamless handover, at what experts say is a sensitive time.”

Politico: “The Election That Broke the Republican Party” — “This is Donald Trump’s party — at least, for another 76 days — and no Republican who hopes to remain relevant after he’s gone was going to deny him the bloody farewell he’s been building toward.”

CNN: “Ohio Republican governor says ‘we need to consider’ Biden the President-elect” — “Ohio Republican Gov. Mike DeWine said Thursday that the country needs to consider Joe Biden the President-elect — joining a growing list of Republican allies to President Donald Trump who say the 2020 race is over.”

Washington Post: “Biden projected to win Arizona and its 11 electoral votes” — “President-elect Joe Biden is projected by Edison Research to win Arizona, a call that comes more than a week after Election Day as ballots continued to be counted. He leads in the count in the state by about 11,000 votes.”

CNN: “These Republicans are publicly recognizing Biden’s legitimacy as President-elect” — “A growing number of notable Republicans are beginning to recognize Joe Biden as President-elect, even as President Donald Trump and many GOP leaders are still refusing to do so.”

Foreign Policy: “A Perilous Presidential Handoff” — “Americans experienced the world’s first democratic transition of power more than 220 years ago. If current trends hold, they may experience one of the very worst of such transitions this November; when asked by a reporter this week whether he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power should he lose, incumbent President Donald Trump avoided the question.”

New York Times: “Who’s Going to Tell Him? Republicans Shy From Asking Trump to Concede” — “Since President Trump was elected, his relationships with Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill have mostly fallen into one of two categories: the unbreakable bond with his most ardent followers, who defend him at all costs, and the tenuous, strained alliance with the rest, who share his agenda but often cringe privately at his language and tactics.”

This article was originally published on [Copyright 2020 NPR]

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