Trump targets Seattle at Oklahoma campaign rally

President Donald Trump used part of his campaign speech in Tulsa, Oklahoma Saturday to criticize Seattle's handling of protests against racial injustice.
He specifically addressed the Capitol Hill Organized Protest area, aka the CHOP.
"In Seattle, the Democrat mayor and the Democrat city council have surrendered control of six city blocks," he said. "You listen to the fake news they're like, 'Oh, the protesters are lovely.' Can you imagine if protesters just slightly to the right took over Seattle?"
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Trump also criticized efforts to defund police departments around the country, as cities like Seattle are considering, calling proponents "stone cold crazy."
Trump said he's waiting for Governor Jay Inslee's call to help break up the protest area, but without any specifics on how that would happen.
"I would love to do it," he said. "It'll take less than an hour and it'll all be over with, and you'll have your city back."
The president did not mention the major underlying reasons for the protests in Seattle: Racism and the killing of George Floyd and other black people by police.