Sunday Puzzle: Terrible twos
On-air challenge: Last Wednesday, Feb. 2, was abbreviated as 2/2/22. And the 22nd this month will be 2/22/22. So I've brought a puzzle based on "2." Every answer today is a word or name that ends in the syllable "2," in any spelling.
Ex. Language group of southern Africa --> BANTU1. Design made with ink on the skin2. Temporary shelter with a slanted roof (hyph.)3. Noisy parrot with a decorative crest4. Unplanned or off-the-cuff, as remarks5. Along with the Tutsi ethnic group, one of the main ethnic groups in Rwanda6. In ___ (as originally found)7. Classic 1922 silent horror film8. South Pacific island nation NE of Australia9. Town in Mali whose name is sometimes used to designate any remote place10. Boxing combination consisting of a left and a right (hyph.)11. Social movement whose name starts with a hashtag
Last week's challenge: Think of a familiar two-word phrase meaning "to fight." Change the third letter of each word to get two new words that are opposites of each other.
Challenge answer: Wage and war --> wane and wax
Winner: Jim Howe from Manlius, N.Y.
This week's challenge: What language in seven letters can be spelled using the letters on three consecutives keys on a telephone? It's a language you would probably recognize, but not one that many people can speak.
Submit Your Answer
If you know the answer to next week's challenge, submit it here by Thursday, Feb. 10, at 3 p.m. ET. Listeners who submit correct answers win a chance to play the on-air puzzle. Important: Include a phone number where we can reach you. [Copyright 2022 NPR]