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Seattle Rep. Pramila Jayapal shut down by Joe Biden

caption: Pramila Jayapal.
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Pramila Jayapal.
Flickr Photo/Joe Mabel (CC BY SA 2.0)/

Donald Trump's electoral victory was made official Friday by members of Congress.

Several Democrats made a last-ditch effort to block him from the presidency. Among them was Seattle's new Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal.

Jayapal rose to object to the validity of the Electoral College vote, but she was quickly shot down by Vice President Joe Biden who was chairing the session.

C-Span video records Jayapal rise and begin to explain her objection. Biden then gavels her.

"No debate. There is no debate. Sections 15 and 17 of Title 3 of the United States code require that any objection be presented in writing, signed by both a member of the House of Representatives and a senator. Is the objection in writing and not only signed by the member but by a United States senator?" Biden says.

"Mr. President, even as people waited hours in Georgia—" Jayapal started again.

Another gavel.

"There's no debate. There's no debate and if it's not signed by a senator the objection cannot be entertained,” Biden says.

“Mr. President, the objection is signed by a member of the House but not yet by a member of the Senate,” Jayapal replies.

“Well, it is over,” Biden says.

This was met with laughter from many lawmakers, most of them Republican, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, who gave an open-mouth guffaw.

Jayapal sent out an email to her supporters later in the evening:

One of my greatest worries about a Trump presidency is numbness. I am worried that the American people are constantly bombarded with shocking, racist, sexist remarks and tweets — and that all the hatred Trump spews will slowly become the "new normal."

That's precisely how they drag us backward. And I won't stand for it.

Tonight, I took to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives and made one last attempt to challenge Trump's presidency. When I stood up, I knew nothing I could say would undo the presidential election. But I felt it critical that the American people saw that we know how democracy has been undermined and votes have been suppressed. I raised my voice to show you what we progressives are going to do for the next four years:

We're not going to stop being shocked. We're never going to become complacent. And we're never going to give up.

Then she asked for a $5 contribution to her campaign.

Following the November election, Washington state electors led an effort to block Trump from winning the Electoral College vote.

That attempt failed. President-elect Trump will be sworn in on Jan. 20.

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