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How solitary confinement affects the mental health of WA State inmates

The Washington State Department of Corrections has pledged to stop the use of solitary confinement in state prisons, in most cases. And the agency says it has made progress on that goal.

But a recent report from the agency’s own independent watchdog, the Office of the Corrections Ombuds, says isolating inmates for extended periods of time is still a widespread practice.

The findings, published in June, showed more than 1 in 5 people incarcerated in state prison at the time of the report had served a significant amount of time in solitary. 

The Ombuds also highlighted 176 suicide attempts over the last decade by people in solitary. 14 of those were fatal.

The report was requested by WA State lawmakers who are working to END solitary confinement because of its effects on the mental health of inmates.

To find out more, Soundside talked to WA State Standard reporter Grace Deng.

GUEST: Grace Deng - WA State Standard


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