Frans de Waal: What Qualities Make A Good Leader ... In Chimpanzees?

Part 3 of the TED Radio Hour episode Anthropomorphic
About Frans de Waal's TED Talk
What makes an "alpha male?" Primatologist Frans de Waal says we often get it wrong. His research shows that alpha males possess leadership traits like generosity, peacekeeping, and empathy.
About Frans de Waal
Primotologist and biologist Frans de Waal is a professor in Emory University's Psychology Department and Director of the Living Links Center at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center.
His work focuses on the behavior and social intelligence of primates — drawing parallels between primate and human behavior from peacemaking and morality to culture.
He has written many books, including Chimpanzee Politics and Mama's Last Hug: Animal Emotions And What They Tell Us About Ourselves. His scientific work has been published in hundreds of technical articles in journals such as Science, Nature, Scientific American, and outlets specialized in animal behavior.
In 2007, he was named one of Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People. [Copyright 2019 NPR]