From blubber to bone:
How a whale decomposes on land
By: Brandi Fullwood and Paige Browning
February 28, 2025
What is Spectacular Specimens?
A podcast for curious kids (and adults) about a collection of spectacular specimens and the stories they can tell us about life on Earth. Spectacular Specimens is a production of KUOW, part of the NPR Network, in collaboration with the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture.
Psst! Adults!
Want to learn more about how staff at the Burke use decomposers?
Check out this story on the beetles that clean up specimens.
Story: Brandi Fullwood and Paige Browning
Design: Teo Popescu
Editors: Jeannie Yandel, Jim Gates, and Liz Brazile
Specimen Artist: Makenzie Ley
Product Manager: Lisa Wang
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