Evergreen appreciation week
Evergreen members like you help sustain the fact-based journalism KUOW and NPR listeners rely on every day. Thanks to ongoing, monthly donations from you and over 18,000 fellow Evergreen donors, we can bring listeners the national news and analysis of Morning Edition and All Things Considered and the wit of Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me. Evergreen members also support great local content like The Record with Bill Radke, and KUOW podcasts Seattle Now and The Wild that generate important conversations about a variety of issues.
This week we’re taking extra time to celebrate our Evergreen members. You’re a vital part of the foundation of KUOW’s mission to create and serve an informed public. Thank you!
As part of our celebration of Evergreen Appreciation Week, sustaining KUOW members should be on the lookout for special emails offering exclusive opportunities. You’ll hear extra shout-outs to our sustaining donors on air and may receive a small token of appreciation in your mailbox this week.
Thank you for fortifying KUOW's efforts to deliver vital news and information, essential storytelling and diverse perspectives to the Puget Sound Community.
If you have any questions about your Evergreen membership or need to update any information on your account, please contact Membership at 206-221-2501 or email evergreen@kuow.org.