Michael Sullivan
Myanmar's civil war has killed thousands — yet it feels like a forgotten crisis
A civil war in Myanmar has displaced millions, killed or maimed thousands more and left the country in poverty. Now China is flexing its muscle to protect interests in the region.
Prominent Cambodian journalist charged with incitement
Vietnam's most senior political leader has died, leaving behind a vacuum in the party
What does the death of the long-serving leader of Vietnam, one of the world's last remaining communist regimes, mean for the country and the region?
3 Myanmar Journalists Are Arrested
Authorities in Myanmar arrested three leading journalists after their paper published a piece exposing a financial scheme led by a protégé and confidant of Myanmar's leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
The South Korean President's Diplomatic Dilemma
South Korea is in a bit of a quandary. It's been making nice with the North since President Moon came to power. President Trump's dual track diplomacy has suited that policy well, until last week.