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Watch live: President Biden and former President Trump take the debate stage

caption: President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.
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President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik; AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Watch as President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump go head-to-head in a 90-minute debate Thursday in Atlanta. The debate, hosted by CNN, is set to begin at 6 p.m. PDT.

Thursday's faceoff will mark several "firsts": The first time a convicted felon has taken the presidential debate stage; the first time a presidential debate has occurred this early in an election; and the first time a sitting president and former president have sparred — but it won't be the two candidates' first showdown.

Biden and Trump's first debate in 2020 quickly devolved into a show of personal blows and interruptions as Trump sought to gain the upper hand.

In large part to discourage that dynamic, Thursday's debate will take on a different format, with no audience in attendance. Additionally, each candidate's microphone will be muted when it's not their turn to speak.

Biden and Trump are expected to sound off about issues including the economy and inflation, abortion rights, immigration, and the wars in Europe and the Middle East.

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