Peter Munro On "Reading My Father's Bible"

Poet and fisheries scientist Peter Munro
John Rand
Poet Peter Munro recounts the complex mix of blessing and burden in caring for a dying parent in his multi-part poem, "Ketogenesis Apocalypse." In this section, "Reading My Father's Bible," Munro finds a metaphor for his preacher father's decline in the image of his Bible worn to the point of falling apart.
Munro spends much of his time in the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska, working as a fisheries scientist. His poems have been featured in Poetry magazine and the Beloit Poetry Journal. He lives in Seattle, and is a frequent reader at the open mics hosted by the North End Forum.
Munro's reading was recorded by Jack Straw Productions, as part of the 2013 Jack Straw Writers Program.