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Cary Moon's real name is Carol and no, she's not related to Molly Moon

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Slideshow Icon1 of 4Cary Moon, an urban planner, says we're in a civil rights moment here in Seattle.
Credit: KUOW Photo/Megan Farmer

After their formal interviews, we asked candidates to answer less traditional questions. Scroll down to read their handwritten responses.

Cary Moon is an urban planner, remembered by city wonks for imagining Highway 99 as a waterfront street (rather than the tunnel it will be).

She lives behind the Pike Place Market downtown – when we couldn’t find her in an online hunt, she informed us that her given name is CAROL Moon. She told the Stranger that she could self-fund her campaign if necessary because of the money she received when her family in Michigan sold their business making industrial safety equipment.

Age: 54

Occupation: Urban planner

Neighborhood: Pike Place Market

Hometown: Buchanan, Michigan

How racist is Seattle? “We all have bias; not just police. Maybe we didn't invent it, but we're participating in it.”

On taxes: “I would look first at how we can reduce the regressive sales and property taxes; people are overburdened with taxes at this time." Moon also supports a real estate tax on properties purchased as investments by non-resident and corporate buyers, similar to a tax enacted in Vancouver, B.C.

On “the appearance of biased policing” at SPD? “We have bias in our society; it’s not just in the police.

“Maybe we didn't invent [racism], maybe we’re not actively perpetuating it, but we're part of it.

“There’s about 20 different things we need to be doing actively with our police department and in the broader community to reduce racial bias and use of force and I would be committed to funding all of them and making them a priority.

“We are in a civil rights moment in Seattle, it’s time to make the changes we know we need to make.”

Position on Mayor Ed Murray sex abuse allegations: “I believe it's in the best interests of everyone - especially the many survivors of sexual assault re-experiencing their own traumas - for the Mayor to step down now so that City Hall can get back to work.” (Campaign website)

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