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Amid Protests Of Vice Principal's Resignation, Youth Mark Changing Catholic Church

caption: Students at Eastside Catholic High School held a sit-in on Thursday in solidarity for the vice principal who was asked to resign.
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Students at Eastside Catholic High School held a sit-in on Thursday in solidarity for the vice principal who was asked to resign.
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David Hyde talks with Seattle PI columnist Joel Connelly about changing attitudes towards same-sex marriage in the Catholic church.

Thursday, students at Catholic schools around the Seattle area joined in protests to show their support for Mike Zmuda, the vice principal of Eastside Catholic High School, who was forced to resign after marrying a man.

RadioActive youth producer Rachel Lam spoke with students at Bishop Blanchet High School, where students staged a sit in in the school cafeteria.

RadioActive is KUOW's youth radio program, and stories are produced by young people age 16-21. Listen to more RadioActive stories here.

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