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Trump Praises Pompeo After He Cursed At NPR Reporter, Then Barred Another From Trip

caption: "That reporter couldn't have done too good a job on you yesterday," President Trump told Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Tuesday. He added, "Think you did a good job on her, actually." The remark came as Trump acknowledged Pompeo's role in a White House plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
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"That reporter couldn't have done too good a job on you yesterday," President Trump told Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Tuesday. He added, "Think you did a good job on her, actually." The remark came as Trump acknowledged Pompeo's role in a White House plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

President Trump waded into a controversy between Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and NPR on Tuesday, appearing to publicly praise Pompeo for a high-profile spat with one of the network's journalists and for denying another reporter press credentials to travel with him on an upcoming trip to Europe.

The State Department has barred NPR diplomacy correspondent Michele Kelemen from joining Pompeo's trip, days after the top U.S. diplomat publicly accused NPR host Mary Louise Kelly of lying to him after she asked him about ongoing controversies over Ukraine during an interview.

Pompeo has said Kelly had agreed to discuss only Iran – a claim he has not offered any evidence to support. Kelly says she confirmed with Pompeo's press secretary that she intended to ask Pompeo about both Iran and Ukraine, a country that is key to Trump's impeachment trial. Kelly has produced emails that reflect those conversations.

Trump joked about Pompeo's seeming retaliation against NPR and Kelemen during a White House event that touted his administration's long-awaited Mideast peace plan. As Trump acknowledged the teams that worked on the plan, his mention of Pompeo's name touched off a prolonged round of applause.

After the crowd's ovation, the president smiled as he told Pompeo, "Wow, that's impressive. That was very impressive, Mike. That reporter couldn't have done too good a job on you yesterday."

The reference appeared to be about his yelling at Kelly and subsequent statement calling her a liar.

As many in his audience guffawed, Trump added, "Think you did a good job on her, actually."

Some in the crowd then applauded as Trump continued, "That's good, thank you, Mike. Great."

Trump then asked Pompeo, "Are you running for Senate? I guess the answer's no, after that, huh?"

It was not clear whether the president was referring to Pompeo's interactions with NPR reporters or to the warm applause he received.

Kelemen had been slated to cover the secretary's trip as the radio pool reporter, a position that rotates among journalists from different news organizations covering the State Department.

After Kelemen was denied a spot on Pompeo's plane, NPR President and CEO John Lansing said via Twitter on Tuesday morning, "I stand behind the NPR newsroom, which has some of the most respected, truthful, factual, professional and ethical journalists in the United States."

He added, "Our mission is to serve the American public by seeking and reporting the truth."

The State Department's action against Kelemen also prompted a protest from the State Department Correspondents' Association.

"Michele is a consummate professional who has covered the State Department for nearly two decades. We respectfully ask the State Department to reconsider and allow Michele to travel on the plane for this trip," said the association's president Shaun Tandon, in a statement.

"The State Department press corps has a long tradition of accompanying secretaries of state on their travels and we find it unacceptable to punish an individual member of our association," Tandon added.

Noting that in the past, the State Department has "courageously defended journalists around the world through statements under its seal," Tandon said, "We are committed to do our part to preserve a respectful, professional relationship with the institution we cover."

The White House Correspondents' Association also issued a statement Tuesday supporting Kelemen and NPR.

"The State Department's apparent attempt to take punitive action against a news outlet for its reporting is outrageous and contrary to American values," said the association's president, Jonathan Karl. "The WHCA calls on the State Department to reverse this ill-conceived decision. We stand with our colleagues at NPR and the State Department Correspondents' Association."

In his contentious interview with NPR, Pompeo had spoken to Kelly for nearly 10 minutes when she asked the secretary whether he owes an apology to Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine whose firing has become a key issue in the president's ongoing impeachment trial. A Pompeo aide abruptly cut off their discussion. The All Things Considered host was then summoned to the secretary's private living room.

"He shouted at me for about the same amount of time as the [9-minute] interview itself had lasted," Kelly told her co-host Ari Shapiro. "He was not happy to have been questioned about Ukraine. He asked, 'Do you think Americans care about Ukraine?' He used the F-word in that sentence and many others."

Kelly continued, "He asked if I could find Ukraine on a map; I said yes. He called out for his aides to bring him a map of the world with no writing, no countries marked. I pointed to Ukraine. He put the map away. He said, 'People will hear about this.' "

In email conversations with Pompeo's staff on the eve of the interview, Kelly mentioned two potential topics: While Iran would be a big part of the discussion, she also wanted to talk about Ukraine, Kelly told Pompeo aide Katie Martin, a deputy assistant secretary who has worked in media relations.

"I am indeed just back from Tehran and plan to start there. Also Ukraine," Kelly told Martin in a Jan. 23 email. She added, "I never agree to take anything off the table."

Martin responds, "Totally understand you want to ask other topics but just hoping we can stick to that topic [Iran] for a healthy portion of the interview."

Kelly then replied in part, "My plan is to start on Iran and, yes, to spend a healthy portion of the interview there. Iran has been my focus of late as well."

Pompeo later issued a statement accusing Kelly of violating "the basic rules of journalism and decency."

NPR's senior vice president for news, Nancy Barnes, responded to Pompeo's statement by stating, "Mary Louise Kelly has always conducted herself with the utmost integrity, and we stand behind this report." [Copyright 2020 NPR]

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