Ask Me Another
Ask Me Another is a rambunctious live show that blends brainteasers, pub trivia, comedy and music into an hour of mind-bending fun.
Celebrities On Celebrities
In this audio quiz, contestants are played a clip of a celebrity impersonating another celebrity. Points are awarded for identifying one or both superstars.
Fact Bag
Ophira and Jonathan are back at it again with the Fact Bag! What's that? A trivia question is pulled from its depths. A debate ensues. The answer is revealed. End scene.
Courtroom Drama
Grab your gavels! In this audio quiz, contestants listen to clips of popular courtroom scenes from television and film, then identify where they came from.
Awkwafina: 'No Turning Back'
Awkwafina, the breakout star of Ocean's 8 and Crazy Rich Asians, reflects on her can't-turn-back moment that led to viral success. Then, she recommends New York City's finest public restrooms.
Banned Books on the Run
The lyrics of the Wings song "Band on the Run" are changed to be about books that were once banned, censored or challenged in the United States. It's trivia turned up to 451 degrees Fahrenheit.
Emojis Louise
In this final round, every answer is also an emoji, according to the Unicode Consortium. *sunglasses emoji*
Subject To Dispute
Contestants are given terms from their school days and must choose the real definition from a list of multiple choice answers. Anybody remember what the powerhouse of a cell is? (Mitochondria.)
Historical Tweets
Contestants identify famous historical figures based on fictional tweets they might have created in their day. Imagine going back to 140 characters — #gross.
Sasha Velour: 'Anyone Can, And Must, Do Drag'
Sasha Velour, a winner of RuPaul's Drag Race, evangelizes for the art form, and competes against rapper and actor Awkwafina in "This, That or The Other": Drag name, rap name or off-brand soda?
The Order Of The Universe
Our ultra-competitive guest musician Julian Velard faces off against the audience in this space-themed game. See if he shoots for the moon, or spaces out.
Nobel Winner Takes It All
Guest musician Julian Velard takes the helm to parody songs by ABBA; changing the lyrics to be about another Swedish phenomenon: Nobel Prize winners.
Final Round: The Time Has Come
Time flies — it's the final round already! In this rapidfire game, each answer has a word associated with time or timekeeping in it.